Selling WTS 6/6 Epic Healer, 3/6 Mage (Master tailor (2M+...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/24/13.

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  1. Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS 6/6 Epic Healer, 3/6 Mage (Master tailor (2M+ POINTS) 40+ ESSENCES OF GOD - MAKE GOLD Newthreadthx WTB Wtb lvl60 ranger ! Requirement: Female Elf only ar least four epic rune gears please contact with me through nizhen1995@ for more details WTS Selling Epic acc with 3 60s- Arcadian Forest(iOS) -700g 380 runes VERY WELL KNOWN CHARECTERS, IVE BEEN PLAYING SINCE ONC CAME OUT. All charecters are perfectly spec'd for dungeons. Warrior - 6/6 epic gear - 65 souls -No epic weapons -Guardian talent tree Mage -Full rune gear -Rahjil staff -52 souls - hybrid talent tree(dungeon spec) Archer - 5/6 epic gear w/ reinforced stealth hunters coat - Sunsaya crossbow - 63 souls - epic trinket and necklace - perfect dungeon talent tree - Snipes for 4,000s Inbox me or post below for offers WTS WTS! Super Epic Warrior with Mage! Limited Offer!! Details inside Class: Warrior Race: Male Elf Hair Color: Red Level: 60 Server: Storm Cape (Europe) IOS : Itouch EQUIPMENTS Weapons: Swamp Fury Sword (Epic) Executioner's Vorpal Sword (Epic) Floating CLoud Stick (Blue) Ultimate Armor Crossbow (Blue) Battle Axe of Eristars Black Lotus Flying Lightning Bow of Offense Lava King's Trident Shields: Evil Crystal Shield Wall of Honor Armors: Stable Strong Rune Gear Set (6/6 EPIC) Violent Killer's Rune Gear Set (5/6 Epic) Underdog Chestplate Mercenary's Handguard Demon's Skin Legguards ETC.. Rings: 1x Powerful Blow Ring (Epic) 1x Radical Guard Ring (Epic) 2x Withered Ring of Guardian 2x Withered Ring of Offense 1x Cerulean Gem Ring 1x Corrosion Ring of Defense 2x Withered ring of Guile 1x Salvation Ring of Flame Resistance Trinklets: 1x Consolidated Medal (epic) 1x Frenzied Medal (epic) 1x Disciplined Mark (EPIC) 1x Eristar's Signet 1x Barstikar's Honor 2x Kermode's Tear Necklaces: Dark Assasin Necklace (EPIC) Bloodmoon Constraint Necklace Broken Jade Pendant of Poison Ariel's Abjection Cloaks: Willow Evil Cloak Planet Cloak of Barbarity Planet Cloack of Precision Blood Monk's...
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