Selling WTS 2 60s war with 4/6 epic stable and 5/6 epic...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell, 3/3/13.

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  1. Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS 2 60s war with 4/6 epic stable and 5/6 epic violent+ monk with 4/6 epic divine Monk also has full superior Mili set with epic boots and 4/6 recipes (no soul recipes) Has both promise books and withered ring of salvation+ epic soul ring heartforger of salvation Warrior has epic soul ring (dps) withered ring of offense/barbarity cerulean ring and original ring. (also has blue crit trinket from etl) and floating cloud stick as weapon (has matted gold rapier and hammer too if you prefer those) Arceinne@ Both are on one account in iOS WTS dps warrior hi im selling a low geared dps warrior, has full rune gear, 2/6 is epic rune, acc has around 400g worth of gold and items, prosecutors ring of barbarity wallow evil cloak constraint necklace demons skin legguards wind cutter kermodes tear x2 reinforced matted gold rapier account is on ios, and warrior is on stone island server. selling cheap by paypal, want a quick sale please. email me for details = simonwinstone@ in sale i always take payment first and then hand over the gold / account. have sold 3 accounts from this website before, if you require a reference from the previos buyers the please feel free to ask. WTS Super cheap!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm selling my order and chaos account for super cheap for 50$ . Has 60 ranger 60 warrior 60 monk 32 Mage around 3000 good all together most of rune bought pets ranger has epic gear........ Act fast this account is worth at least $150!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [SOLD] lvl 60 Elf Male ranger (nice appearance) Selling lvl 60 ranger, with orginary quest gear (NO RUNE GEAR) Price: offer (PayPal) Server: Observer's Market Picture with face: ACCOUNT IS WITH ENDED SUBSCRIPTION Thanks WTS Crazy account - details inside Ranger - Male -Human Master leatherworking Unfeeling Sneak Charger's Helmet Unfeeling Sneak Charger's Gloves Unfeeling Sneak Charger's Legguards Unfeeling Sneak Charger's Boots Unfeeling Sneak...
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