Selling WTS Android Account with 3 LVL60 Fully Equipped...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell, 3/4/13.

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  1. Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS Android Account with 3 LVL60 Fully Equipped Toons [Android] I'm selling my account with 3 level 60s on full rune gear and accessories. RANGER, TANK, MAGE. all in one account. ONLY for $180. With 13,000 Gold and 100 runes ready to use. Ranger: LVL60 -With epic Head, Boots, Gloves, and L -Black Lotus and Epic Devil Dagger -Carrion Long Bow -2pcs Withered Ring of Offense -1pc Swift Brand -Kermodes Tear -Bloodmoon -WITH 12,000 GOLD TANK: LVL 60 -full rune gear -epic head, boots -ariels abjection -black lotus, epic skeleton -2pcs withered ring of the guardian -2pcs kermode -windcutter -with 1000 gold MAGE; LVL 60 -all rune gear -epic head and boots -Heartforger of sorcery -evil eye necklace of sorcery -2pcs withered ring of sorcery -2pcs swamp eye account with 13,000 GOLD and 100 Runes all for $180 via PayPal account. Android server only! message me here! or email me zetabetamu1971@ WTB Elf Ranger lv 60 for iOS with sunsaya bow and 2 Cold killer dagger Please pm me ur offer and details, thank u [SOLD] LVL 60 Elf Monk & Human Warrior (SAME ACCOUNT) Hello everyone, Now selling a great account with two level 60 characters - monk and warrior. Account is on iOS platform. Account includes: •4 character slots •60lvl Monk •60lvl Warrior (tank) with MASTER foundry •164 RUNES •cool nicknames ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MONK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------Equipment items------ FULL HEALERS RUNE SET --Blues:-- •Kernode's tear •Eye of the head •Wallow evil cloak •Gladiator's terminator fang •Gladiator's terminator fang •Unalloyed katar fang •Unalloyed katar fang •Tower Guardian's Staff •Lava Crystal Rod --Greens-- •Love •Echo cloak •Silver ladders staff •Benevolance ring •Spiritual Staff •Mace of thistevillus flamen •Mace of thistevillus flamen •Tolerance ring •Titan pendant •Plague cloak •Redtrophi...
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