Selling WTS Order and Chaos account Server: Arcadian...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell, 3/4/13.

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  1. Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS Order and Chaos account Server: Arcadian Forest. Gold: 3000 Between all Characters Characters/Items: lvl60 Elf Monk (Female Healer) - Complete Rune armor set with (epic/purple) hood and boots. Necklace: The Savage's Choker of Salvation (Superior/Blue) Cloak: Holy Healing Cloak (Superior/Blue) Rings: Withered Ring of Salvation (Superior/Blue) Weapon: Heartforger of salvation Pet = Sand demon (Blue) (Bound) Items: Flying Lighting Bow of Guile (Blue) (for archer/assasin that comes with account once lvl 60) Handbook: Furious Holy Pnisher's Hood (purple) and other blue and green items. And Tons in the bank or box w/e you want to call it. Gold = 1,180... Character: lvl60 Human warrior (Female) Tank/Dps (you can choose.) I have both Rune armor sets for this character so you decide. Necklace: Titan Pendant (Green) Cloak: Cloning Cloak (Green) Rings: Corrosion Ring of Defense - Alert Ring Weapons: 2 Reinforced Skeletons (purple/DPS) 1 Reinforced Skeleton = Wall of honor (blue/tank) Pet: Black Forest Bear = Rarest pet worth 250g-350g Items: I use this character for farming. so nothing. Box/Bank: Shadow fiends helmet (Blue) Symbol of champion Blook Monk's Cloak of the Storm (Blue/Unbound) Good for archer Wild Glove (Blue) gold:600 lvl36-40 ranger on the making. 1 seal and other weapons and gold. Gold = 300g Runes: 44 if interested email me at : hectorcortez1@live (only, no messages Will not be looking at the website much) looking to get about $500 obo. Shoot offers Payment option: paypal. PS. Not giving out character names because of # or scamming purposes. WTS ORDER AND CHAOS 2 LVL 60's AND 2 LVL 30's. 4 characters. 2lvl 60's and 2 lvl 30's. A lvl 60 guardian warrior with full rune. A lvl 60 Divine monk with full rune. A lvl 30 skyfire mage. And a lvl 30 archer. All comes with many superior and epic items, about 650 g, and 8 runes. The server is arcadian forest (american server). Pm me or email me for pricing or other stuff. My email is...
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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