Sold RS3 Main | 2395 Total | 115 QP | 100 Att| 104 Str|120Def|112Range|99Magic|96Slay[ChicksG800598]

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Chicks, 3/9/22.

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  1. Chicks

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    Combat Level: 137
    Total Level: 2395
    Quest Points: 115
    Achievements: 717
    Featured Quests: Jack of Spades, Temple of Senntisten, Desert Treasure

    Featured Items: Charms, Charming Imp, Grace of the Elves, Overloads, Renewals, Bonecrusher, Tight Spings, Spring Cleaner 9001, Gizmos, Lucky Chaotic Crossbow, Augmented Flowers, Augmented Black Salamander, Augmented Imcando Mattock, Augmented Sirenic Hauberk, Augmented Sirenic Chaps

    Legendary, Boss & Skill pets: Dave, Steve, Pete, Bill, Gordie, Herbert, Sifu, Wallace, Morty, Sparky, Ghostly, Archie
    Loyalty Points: 16k
    Runecoins: 12





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