Selling For Sale: Xbox one destiny account, everything you need!

Discussion in 'Destiny Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Safe' started by fernetlivet, 9/27/15.

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  1. fernetlivet

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    Got a xbox one destiny account for sale.

    I've played for almost 1000hours.

    Almost max grimoire from year one, 3600, very close to max grimoire 3625.

    ALL exotics from year one
    Some of them are multiple, like 3x gjallahorn 3x ice breaker....

    ALL exotic armors

    Full Trials gear and weapons for hunter

    All raid ships, emblems, shaders.
    600+ strange coins
    lots of shards from all raids
    20+ etheric light

    Pretty much got everything you need from year one.
    You will also get The Taken King Digital Collectors edition. incl, exclusice shaders, emblems...

    Hunter, Warlock and Titan all lvl 34 (it’s very very easy to lvl up to lvl 40)


    Let the war bidding begin!
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