I can show you proof, So I knew something was fishy about her but I decided to give her the doubt. So Long story short she doesn't give you money. She took my creds on my account, my name change tokens, and Also change and stole my name. I filled a case to imvu about this. I know her imvu username and Ip. She is not trust worthy and thank god I didn't give her real details on when and where I made my account. And everything else . She pretends that she's paying your through bank which is false.
I'm currently awaiting payment from her as well, so we'll see how accurate this is. I'll give it another day before I try to get my credits back n' report.
Well she's going to tell you hear bank said a day then when that happens she's well ask for another pay ment. I have conversations of me and her. I trusted her with my account, she took my accounts name, using it on another account and name change tokens. I got the tokens back but I couldn't get my name back is imvu is investigating.
Well as I said, the only way shes doing it with me is Middleman or Paypal. With paypal, it doesn't require bank permission if it's already added on your paypal. I sold her 45k credits. So getting it back will only take a day or two with a ticket. With all that shes doing, be it true or not. It'll be a ban for her eventually. But I'm waiting until tomorrow night, I'll update on how it turns out.
Well I just spoke to her, she said she'll send my payment via Middleman and provide a screenshot. So we'll see tonight
and i just saw the screenshot that was sent to me from u its not ur account its Unknown to me account
Yeah, It may be true. Considering she sent me a screenshot of her payment order. But I never recieved a notification of the purchase from Middleman, so I contacted them and they said there wasnt a payment made. Welp gg.