Selling Selling a few accounts. Got an rs3 acc, only...

Discussion in 'Runescape 3 RS3 Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Taylor Jeffcoat, 7/22/14.

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  1. Taylor Jeffcoat

    Taylor Jeffcoat
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    Selling a few accounts. Got an rs3 acc, only notable stats are 96 range(almost 97) 66 hp 60 def, with 89(almost 90) fishing and 82 cooking. Has a fire cape and like 1m on it. Would be great for legacy pking/rushing! Then I have a decent osrs main, 62 att 66 str 42 def 70 range 44 mage like 65 wc and other stats, has all full books except guthix, range and melee void with mm/lost city done. Only up to mith gloves. Then i just have a pure range with 50 range, nothing special has like 300-400k on it(osrs). Message me on here for offers, willing to send pics if interested. NOT LOOKING FOR MUCH but dont send stupid offers.
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