Selling  Average  Original Owner (Yes) Q25 t9shooter vip11 multiple farms s2-s102

Discussion in 'The Ants Underground Kingdom Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by AlwaysKawaii11, 3/4/22.

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  1. AlwaysKawaii11

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    I used be pretty good on my server. But haven't played so much lately so i have fallen abit behind. Its still a pretty good account and used quiet alot on it. But im just too bored of the game now.
    Got enough migration tokens on my main and all my farms. Its in the s2-s102 bracket. So u can move it to whereever u want. Migration event coming up.
    Btw. If u want more info or disc. I can give my disc. Write a comment or something. Kinda new to this site
    7 nealy maxed out orange ants.
    Nw general
    Gold armor
    Golden sugar
    Golden spiny
    Bullet ant
    Jack jumper
    Driver ant

    38mil power

    Pro match; 4,6mil as herder

    8-star mantis + 2 6star

    5-star skin (got groundhog) + alot of others
    Lvl 82 herder
    13 farms (1 q21, 8 q20, 4 q18)
    Lots of rrs
    200mil sand
    400mil soil.
    50k gems
    600m honeydew
    Lots of speed ups n other stuff

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    #1 AlwaysKawaii11, 3/4/22
    Last edited: 3/4/22
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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