Be the Boss of your own C3 server K38 - 5.4B Monarch 40 VIP 20 - Regent Wonders 1, 2, 3 unlocked Dragons: - Celtic Level 10. - Fafnir Level 9. - Norway Level 10. - Thebes Level 10. - Niddhogg Level 8. - Ladon Level 8. 9 Subordinate Cities: Main city sub Gold 4 Gold Jap 2 Gold Russia 1 Purple Russia 1 Historic City Sub (Alexandria) Mix and Match sub gens (all with debuff specialty #2 maxed) - 9 Baldwin - 5 Arminius - 4 Cnut - 4 Amr Bin - 1 Nordic Barb King, 1 Cixi Tech: Mil Academy 3 maxed. Academy maxed. 59mil tech power. Troops: 4 mil layers T10 and up Wall gens: Joseph E Johnston (all 4 specialties maxed) - main, has thebes Leonidas I (all 4 specialties maxed) - has norway on, switch to this when your cavs are killed PVP Generals: Simeon - 1700% atk Scipio - 1420% atk Martinus - 1490% atk Ulysses Grant - 1400% atk Dmitry - 1400% atk Growth Gens: 6 Jind 2 Baibars 1 Caesar (all 4 specialties maxed) Shajar Duty Gens: All the duty gens, sage skill maxed. Most are super officers. Art Hall: Fully complete except Fafnir ring, don't have BOG wings yet Civ Treasures: All Level 3 Civ Gear: Full Planta set Full Freedom set Full Fuurinkazan set 2 pieces of Han set (only these been released so far) RSS: 80bil open right now, and another 20bil in boxes Alts: one K35: all purple Jap and Russia subs, for when you want to change your PVP setup six K25 - K27: maxed for double drops. Every one of these has all korea subs (4 gold, 4 purple, rest blue and green) Alts currently have about 140 bil rss in boxes. Alliance Active alliance, easily runs 200 or more bosses daily