78 Classes including Lord of Order, Vampire lord, Infinity Titan, Yami No Ronin, Void Highlord, Infinity Knight, Cryomaner, Blood Titan, Legion BM Assassin, Mystical Dark Caster & Many More! 119 Armour including Unholy of Vokun, VP, Nulgathinator 9000, a lot of more rares 176 Helms 46 Pets Including Legion Pets = Shogun P Pet, Nulgath rider battle pet, Nulgath larvae, Lucky Parago Pet, Codebreaker Zorbak 8 Axes including ALoD, VLoD, 97 Swords a lot of rares/nulgath/legion 87 Capes 34 Daggers including Ungodly Reavers of Nulgath, Dual Caladbolgs, Dual Lucky Caladbolgs Add my discord M1ercyx#0001 to discuss more + Pictures