Sold Covet Lvl 106 + more than 50k in Diamonds

Discussion in 'Covet Fashion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sarah Jane Gow, 2/16/22.

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  1. Sarah Jane Gow

    Sarah Jane Gow
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    Hi Fashionistas, its time to let this account go.

    Closet value; 11,748,104
    97% of the Covet Collection, includes Disney collection.
    There are hundreds of unworn items in the closet.

    36 prop packs
    95 hair accessories
    Cash; $1090.00 +
    Diamonds; $54,000.00 +

    Not in a House at present due to slowing down in playing over the last season.

    Sprint to Spring series & the Water Signs Mini-Set are both complete but the accounts rarely being used otherwise till sold.

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    #1 Sarah Jane Gow, 2/16/22
    Last edited: 2/26/22
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