Anuhart ASMO, chanter 60lvl + sorcer 60 lvl +cleric 40+lvl WTS Sorcer and chanter Server: Anuhart -> ASMODIAN Chanter 60 lvl Weapon: Noble tac officer shakujo Set Genium set ( cond2) 60 lvl + boots archon brigade Crafts: 499 alchemy, 400+ esssensetaping, 320+ aethertapping almost all greater stigma on both tree. DPS tree - all bought. On support tree u must buy last stigma. Screens: Sorcer 60 lvl Weapon: Kahrun orb +10, book 55 condi1 Set 55 arena condi 1, part 60 lvl condi2 Greater stigma - tree with glacial bought. Screens: