1. Date Dispute Happened 9/6/2015 2. Are You The Buyer or Seller none 3. Total Transaction Value none 4. Other Parties Username @MattHappyFace K.1.k-matthappyyface 9. Provide All Chat Logs and Additional Information Below High risk request WTS - Max th10 (fast sell) | PlayerUp - Video Game Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform. So hearing people complaing about a person badger people on the site to send first. So i message him about his max th10 base he ask for direct paypal and ask me to send first. I say i have no problem using the mm system set up. i wouldnt be reporting this if he hasnt attempted to scam other player i believe a High risk is nessacary for this. A person whos on high risk says he attempted have him send first due to hes on high risk. He also claims fake vouchs. 1. Claim fake vouchs 2. Badgers people to send first then says your wasting his time my convo with this user:
@Admin @Middleman I know your busy but this user has tried to scam multiple users and have complaints on here please reveiw this if anyone deserves high risk its this person. Note: check if there other accounts with the same ips
I did resolve this but my inability to reply to you was why I haven't updated this post as the server issues caused a delay on all responses. The user was suspended on September 6.User had additional accounts which were permanently banned. Also locked down his ability to recreate new ones.
Guide - Combat Fraud Service Please read the guide above on our combat fraud service. If you can provide this information below we can assist you further. What are the requirements? All parties must have a registered account on PlayerUp.com The individual you're filing a claim against must be above the age of 18 The individual you're filing a claim against you must have their username, full name and address
[trigger=error]Expression violates expected format: Fraud Service[/B][/URL][/trigger] [trigger][trigger=error]Unknown or undefined trigger: service[/trigger][/trigger] [trigger=by]For: Admin Re: #7[/trigger]