Looking to sell an account with a lvl 90 kai, lvl 64 kai, lvl 7 vella on EU Server Lvl 90 kai: 227 Ttitles Full 80 accessory scrolled Full Skeleton set (white) all part +5 scrolled (main), Other 70 armors +11 80 crossgun scrolled Leopard+Bloodlust 5kk gold Expertice Gathering maxed, Goldsmithing beginner Lot of avatar and NX items runes for awakening, rune for enchanting, dye ampule +30, party goddess grace +50 150k AP all xgun skill maxed (no Reload), bow almost maxed Hand bombs skill awakened on max 70 SP reduction Pvp artifact: Greater M Cat statue scrolled, Greater Werewolf paw scrolled, War statue Stats: 18k attack PvE and 24k attack PvP 10k def, 49 attack speed, 78 balance, hp over 7300, stamina 215 Lvl 64 kai: 1kk gold Expertice: Armorsmith maxed, Dismantling maxed, Element stone crafting maxed Armor: Royal Knight set Lvl 7 vella: beginner items The account has 250€ worth value, but looking for a reasonable offer.