Hey everyone! I'm Britney, but my AJ Username is Merahki. I've been playing for about 10 years now and have a bunch of items I'd like to sell! Recently got my car stolen so I need to make money any way possible Below I've listed items and their prices! Looking to sell everything (Including currency) -------------------------------------------- (This may change, I'll keep updating it) Currency: Gems: 591,262 Diamonds: 16 Den Items: Easel (x2 ) : $5 Each Mira Statue (x4) : $5 Each Open Sign (x3) : $5 Each RC Car (x2) : $5 Each Robot (x2) : $5 Each Television (x2) : $5 Each Zios Sculpture (x3) : $5 Each Porch Swing (x3) : $5 Each Pot O Gems (x2) : $5 Each Globe (x1) : $7 Each Beta Mats (x2) : $7 Each Beta Table (x1) : $8 Each Traffic Cone (x1) : $8 Each Fly Trap (x1) : $8 Each OR BUY ALL 29 DEN BETAS FOR A PRICE OF $100 (Save $60)