Sold 4 Chars Ready to play, EU server Vulpin Faction 708 GS, 630 GS, 610 GS, 150e

Discussion in 'Elyon Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Mircea86, 2/7/22.

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  1. Mircea86

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    All game packs,
    T5 Luminous
    T4 luminous
    30+ T5 Runes ( you can get 48 Red, yellow, Purple ) 5 Double SP runes, can get on each class 380+ SP

    Gunner LVL 46 with 698 GS
    Slayer lvl 47 with 610 GS
    Elementalist lvl 47 with 630 GS
    Archer 45+ with 550+ GS
    PVP Gear And PVE

    150E Paypal
    Contact here or on discord
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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