I'm looking to buy/trade for CN AK bilibili account (late game preferred) with my Global AK account LV120: 34 6* Ops, 94 E2 Ops Total mostly E2 LV30 or above. 40 M3 Skills total, and lots of M1/M2. Pulling resource: 75k Orundum, 350 Prime Originium, 11 single pulls, 213 yellow certs. (240+ pulls ready) Other: 4M LMD, 2000 tactical EXP card worth, lots of resources. PM me here or discord: Alie#7995 https://playerup-cdn.com/s3/xf/internal_data/attachments/3920/3920818-44fc4d6ce8f9a87eaa374ef3916fbbd2.pnghttps://playerup-cdn.com/s3/xf/internal_data/attachments/3920/3920819-978b37902f59e2723a8a3399c518f406.png https://playerup-cdn.com/s3/xf/internal_data/attachments/3920/3920868-575c6ab8db2cea477820597d0d1ddf87.png