Sold [EU][Endgame] Andromeda 48 Elementalist 694 ilvl 300 #

Discussion in 'Elyon Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Souleraser, 1/31/22.

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  1. Souleraser

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    Lvl. 48 Ontari Elementalist 694+ ilvl on Andromeda (different gear set up with accessories and some PvE gear and Raid Necklace) (with Necklace on)
    Pre-order € 100 package - almost all inventory and storage slots expansions.

    I'm getting a second job and I won't have time to play competitive as I'd like to.

    3x Brilliant items - All gear rolled with Best in slot PvP Effects
    High Rank current Honor ranking - around 4.5+ Milion cash and a lot of maps to get extra cash
    Full polished...

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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