Sold [NA] Selling HoT+Signature Weapon or Trade [EU/NA]. 30

Discussion in 'Honkai Impact Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by VastayanGIGACHAD, 1/30/22.

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  1. VastayanGIGACHAD

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    As the tilte says, i'm selling the accouunt or trading for an HoF+signature weapon, the account can be either EU or NA, I don't really care.)
    My account has a HoT+weapon and has currently a paladin pass active. (7K crystals in the bank)
    I didn't use any material, so the account is basically fresh. (40 Days left for beginner event, Cap level 43.)

    Inbox or dm on discord: Ionian Farmer#6030
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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