WTS LVL 60 Assassin on EU/Telemachus account PVE : 5/5 Tiamat Protectorate Armor (Chest with 6 slot) 4/5 Kahrun Eternal Armor 7/7 Kahrun Eternal Accessories 2/2 Kahrun Eternal Sword with Stun and Paralysis Godstone PVP : Noble Coliseum Champion's Vambrace Genium's Shoulderguards,Boots Archon Commander's Corundum Ring x2 Kucharan's Belt Other Stuff : Pagati Veyron Mount Ninja Motion Kahrun Wing (fabled) Master Cooking (541) Nicely Furnished Estate Ap ~ 250k, 35kk ~ Kinah In Warehouse / Inventory : L106 , L108 Enchantment Stone a lot fabled food and a lot of sellable stuff