56 WR, 1600 PR, 223 Ships 46 Premiums, 9.000 dubs, 2.3m Free XP, 28k steel, 293 kcoal

Discussion in 'World of Warships Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Mutti, 1/29/22.

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  1. Mutti

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    My Location:
    Included are some ships that are no longer available like Asashio, Smolensk or Alaska to name a few.

    Total count of ships in harbour is as follows:
    T10: 30 (5 Premiums)
    T9: 26 (5 Premiums)
    T8: 32 (7 Premiums)
    T7: 34 (7 Premiums)
    T6: 42 (11 Premiums)
    T5: 28 (6 Premiums)
    T1-4: 31 (5 Premiums)

    The following ships are available but right now not in the harbour (can be bought for credits any time):
    T1-4: 49 ships
    T5: Kongo, Jianwei, Montecuccoli, Bretagne, Acasta, Emerald, König, Nicholas
    T6: Fushun, La Galissoniére, Normandie, Bayern, Farragut, Ryujo
    T7: Skane, Mahan, New Orleans
    T8: Le Fantasque, Implacable, Albemarle
    T9: Riga, Buffalo

    In addition to the ships the account as of today has the following to offer:
    298 days of Premium
    9.353 dubloons
    43.573.363 credits
    2.311.177 Free XP
    556.458 captain XP
    27.540 steel
    293.521 coal
    50.646 research points

    Special Captains:
    Günther Lütjens
    Yamamoto Isoroku
    William F. Halsey Jr.
    Nikolai Kusnezow
    Luigi Sansonetti
    Jerzy Swirski

    I will add screenshots later today, please ask for anything you are interested to know/see.
    #1 Mutti, 1/29/22
    Last edited: 1/30/22
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