Sold Warlord 655GS - Vulpin - Andromeda

Discussion in 'Elyon Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Lyngh, 1/23/22.

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  1. Lyngh

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    I am selling a 655 GS Warlord with the following:

    Legs +8 BT (Crit resist+Crit hit dmg reduction)
    Chest +10 BT (Energy recovery + Crit hit DMG Reduction)
    Offhand +8 AND +10 BT (CDR 3/3 and Max ATK)

    Gloves +10 Legendary PVP (Max/Min ATK)
    Helmet +8 Legendary PVP bis stats (Crit, reflect, hp abso)
    Shoes +8 Legendary PVP (Stamina recovery + Max stamina)
    Main weapon PvP Legendary +8 ( CDR/Crit power/CC Duration)

    33 Yellow, 48 blue, 21 purple, 12 red/orange/green

    Lv.5 Dragon & Corona...

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