Sold Rare Top50 Legend RR6 Light/Dark cancer |UR69+VC57+23 3 esper 100k vis

Discussion in 'War of the Visions FFBE Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by wotv831, 1/22/22.

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  1. wotv831

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    My Location:
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    Open for $290 or best offer.
    This is a well-planned account, it even has more max stuffs than RR8+ whale!
    It has all you need and 100k vis is enough for future FF6 and P5R collabs, Water Warriors.
    Click the spoiler at the bottom to show all the pictures, that's what I got!

    Bind on Dummy FB account.(I will give you, and then own by you only.)
    You can play via IOS or Andriod due to FB binding.
    Since I never bind to an Apple ID , you may change the binding method once to IOS.

    Paypal F&F or pay for services /MIDDLEMAN (FEE FROM YOU)
    PM me if you are interested, or on discord lihkg831#5294
    you can pm me for more info if you need.

    I still love this game, but after 2 year of playing, my life is getting busy now. looking for somebody to entrust this account.
    Highlights to show why it is rare

    FF7's Nostalgia. All 4units are limited and Max Limited Break (including two 120)! All 5 global fest units and Lara Croft are obtained. (including two 120 and one 115).

    UR69+57(VC), Almost all of UR units and vision cards are obtained, including limited units!
    23 three stars esper, you may raise more (I still have many Magicite(XL), but I don't think you need it.
    Tons of materials for your future plans!
    You may just checked the spoilers at the bottom, big picture talks!

    Barrack is max limit with 95000, you only need to feed once every 24hours! it is rare to find any other account have max limit barrack!
    Still active farming until sold , no worries for missing the newest gears! keep updating via the reply!

    24/7 farming time, most of the gears are +5 (eg. Three +5 UR Galmia Coat), tons of recipe and mats reserved, including UR or limited gears.

    This game never get enough RNG, but this account has 1400+ RNG(L) Pot, 3Pot@$0.99. And look at the gold, this amount can help you summon enormous shards!

    this account is still competitive within top50 guild battle (Legend league).
    *This is a Taiwanese guild, though the leader can speak English. You may choose to stay here if you are willing to communicate with him. There is another member who speak English only.

    Nevertheless, with light meta team, any legend guild is happy to accept this account owner.

    The best trust gear - zombie mask (Halloween limited item with Reraise skill, every top tier player got one)
    Few meta formations with perfect gears, the light cancer team power 8800+, this rivals even the whales!
    And the future water cancer is ready when FF6 Celes and Water Warrior is released. (Not much people has 120 water Aerith!)
    Account Details:
    Level 135 Rank
    Login 648days , 100% clean account.
    Royal rank 6
    105131 vis
    1549 RNG(L) Pot, 8332skip tickets.
    183 JP KEY
    4538555972 gold
    99rainbow sphere 47flowers
    tons of crafting recipe and mats.
    Many Lv.10 resonance pairs for most units, ready for your different stragies.
    Many tickets inlcuding Magicite(XL), awakening mats, shards, etc.

    Pictures Talk!

    Units & VC. Below UR is not shown, but most are with max shards.
    2units.jpg \ 3vc.jpg
    +5 gears (almost all farming gears you can think of are +5, unless some are waiting for rerun )
    Winter Coats are ready to make the third one (and most UR gears), I get enough recipe and mats, but I doesn't need it yet.
    Trust gears including Bell, Keen Blade Armor, and the limited Zombie Masks and Exotic Pareo.
    Espers (including 23 three stars)
    24/7 farming enormous mats (there is also 8332skip tickets that forgot to display)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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