Priest (Mount Tryannas) - +15 renegade weapon+chest (etching iii's) and +12 tensus boots and glove (both with etching iii's). - +12 disc chest (etching iii) - 829k gold on account - 800+ semi-enigmatic scroll - 30 mounts (33 total including beginner and 2 from being in #1 guild) - 25+ costumes (2/3 are 40-60k gold+) - 70+ accessories - 11 weaponskin (includes icegrip, blizzat/ice drake, Vesel/fire drake, emulator, prismatronic, cathodyne, divine bo staff, shadowlaced weaponskin staff, celestrial spirit staff, and more) - 7.2% HP innerwear - Perfectly rolled on all accessories - Totes, Cheeks, Felicity - Free but ungeared in same account: level 65 (Reaper, Sorcerer) - Includes 2 other accounts: 2nd account = Level 65 (berserker, gunner, lancer), Level 60 Mystic, Level 49 Warrior. 3rd account = Level 65 (lancer), Level 60 Slayer, Level 63 Archer
Add my skype: Mistertomboy if you are interested, will provide a throughout session including screenshot and etc.