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Discussion in 'Garena Free Fire Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by nopan, 1/19/22.

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  1. nopan

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    hello friends, here I am selling cheap free fire diamonds and of course official.
    available on all servers and please order via player up.

    product & price :

    * 4000= 12$
    * 7780= 20$

    * 14440= 35$ Cara-Jualan-Diamond-Free-Fire.jpg
    * 28000= 60$
    * 36500= 85$
    * 73100= 150$
    -limited stock-

    How to order :

    ✔ click the buy button and make payment
    ✔ specify the number of diamonds you want, one product contains 11200DM
    ✔ send me a message about your account info
    ✔ during charging it is forbidden for you to enter the account

    ⛔Buy means obey the rules⛔

    FAQ :

    Q : is this safe for my account from being blocked ?
    A : Of course it's safe, because I filled it up using my credit card.

    Q : why is the price cheaper???
    A : good question, so I filled it in using the bonus points on my credit card, it can also be called an existing bonus.

    Q : how long does it take to make it???
    A : not long, maybe about 1-30 minutes.

    Q : how do you do it???
    A : I will login to your account to fill in the game, so please give me the info for that.

    Q : if i want another amount can i do???
    A : Of course you can, here one product various kinds and prices, please choose according to your needs.

    Q : are you always here, because I want everything fast???
    A : good question, ok my friend may not always be here, you can contact me just for ordering

    For More Question :
    discord : Boenk#2248
    Email : [email protected]

    Attached Files:

    #1 nopan, 1/19/22
    Last edited: 1/19/22
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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