Sold Ru Alderan 4 Account for farm gold void , dark aceria, epona badge 150 Negot

Discussion in 'Lost Ark Accounts Buy & Sell - LAO Account for Sale' started by Gunshinra, 1/19/22.

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  1. Gunshinra

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    the account can be the main one for those who want to start in the game

    Account 1: Zerk 1355 + Blaster 1314 + sorceress 1302

    Account 2: Blader 1355 + Blaster 1302 + sorceress 1302

    Account 3: Destroyer 1355 + Blaster 1302 + sorceress 1302

    Account 4: Warlord 1355 +Blaster 1302 + sorceress 1302

    All accounts with a lot of materials to be able to evolve the characters.

    Discord: Kundun#5597
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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