Legend 4, infantry, 506 kingdm, 30 mln. 350k gem, many cheast. Top alliance. VIP 10. 550+ Attack or more. Upd. Yesterday, in the Crystal War, the attack with buffs was 660 I forgot to clarify. Maybe it will be important. I am not an outcast, there are R4 top alliances in the kingdom, in good relations with other players, so you can not be afraid that this money is wasted. I will also say that our alliance is multi-ethnic: Vietnamese, Chinese, Arabs, Russians, French, Americans, Poles, etc. In the kingdom, we are focused on opposing other kingdoms on events — in peacetime we are one big family and do not attack each other. In general, the castle and the kingdom are great for a comfortable game at events: Titans, Overlord, KvK, etc.
24 lvl castle in 535 as a gift))) New info to first castle — power 40 mln+ 90% L5 (obelisk and barracks) 500к gems. Now in Titans