Sold [NA] Non-Steam account 612 GS with T9 Dream Horse, P2W Tent, VP, T4 Pets, coupons,etc

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Iyzzel, 1/12/22.

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  1. Iyzzel

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    I'm looking to sell my NA BDO account, main character is a Lv. 62 Sorceress with 282/330 gs with Kutum

    There are also 4x Lv. 61 characters on the account as well as 3 sets of re-roll coupons (all 3 weapons)

    Market warehouse has 6.5billion silver and 4billion worth of Pila Fe Scrolls (for memory fragments)

    I will list everything the account has below with respective screenshots:

    I only take Paypal as payment method, I'm the sole owner of the account so you will get full access to it (changed e-mail to yours)

    Discord ID: Shadow#3504

    Caphras level of gear: Armor (C4)/Helmet (C4)/Shoes (C4)/ Gloves (C4)/ Awk. Weapon (C3) = 4647 caphras (13.9b worth)

    Main gear and crystals: BDO 1.png BDO 2.png

    T9 Dream Horse (Doom) with full +6~7 Granverre horse gear
    BlackDesert64_8hVFysyyVg.png BlackDesert64_90JM513iW5.png

    3 sets of weapon re-roll coupons for all 3 weapons BlackDesert64_g7XcwhL58A.png wh7fS3axsd.png

    8 characters total with multiple failstacks on them (Also have 3x 60, 1x 100 and 1x 150 advice of valks) BlackDesert64_pWVBwVHv56.png

    Guru cooking on 1 of the alts to make daily profit from selling meals BlackDesert64_L51pSoDT3u.png

    P2W tent BlackDesert64_TxcBXg6BiW.png

    21d of Book of Combat, 14d of Book of Life, 276 loot scrolls, 59d of VP, 51d of Kama Blessing, 58d of Book of Old Moon, 147 Valks Cry, 22d of horse flute and 36 inventory slot expansions.

    2 J Hammers and
    Flame of Despair (Extremely rare and hard to get from market, required for best armor in the game BlackDesert64_2wnHbLB7ia.png BlackDesert64_QrwQIjV97U.png

    15 Maids (8 Storage, 7 Market)


    Storage and Warehouse (6.5b liquid and 4b worth of memory fragment scrolls):

    BlackDesert64_o1lQLSCHpb.png BlackDesert64_tezPqPARWs.png

    T4 Fairy with Lv.5 weight reduction and Lv.3 auto-pot


    Throw me a message on Discord at Shadow#3504 or leave a message here to negotiate the price, I'm always responsive on discord.

    Payment is only via Paypal.
    #1 Iyzzel, 1/12/22
    Last edited: 1/12/22
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