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  1. AFKA Shade

    AFKA Shade
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    ~$10k+ spent, lowering the price temporarily for the Christmas/New Years to asking for 2000 but still flexible to negotiate!

    VIP 15.5 - 731k / 1m VIP points

    89+ Ascended heroes (almost every 4f hero in the game + only missing 4 celepogeans which just came out)

    Playing Daily until the account is sold so it doesn't fall behind :)

    Screenshots here since PlayerUp limits filesize - Imgur: The magic of the Internet (it's not 18+ don't worry, just a weird Imgur auto detect thing)

    Competitive Account (S4 AbEx Gold Frame!) with top player insight, extremely whaled with # Furn and SI. Consistently top 2-4 in PvP. Guaranteed to get into any top recruiting guild as it was previously a member of one of the highest ranked, CASUALS. 2 of the 45k diamond packs still available, one already purchased and available.

    If you're curious about the level 1 heroes, AFK's leveling system works such that every hero is the same level when placed on the Resonating Crystal. Heroes that are level 1 can instantly be raised to the level of the rest by putting someone on the crystal. I'm more than happy to explain all inner workings of AFK if you're new!

    I've been playing nearly since the game came out and have tons of experience, relatively well known player/personality across the Reddit and Discord community. Keeping my identity here private for that reason, but I have tons of knowledge that I'm happy to share with you! If you're brand new to the game, don't feel intimidated. I'm not just pawning this account off to you and moving on, I truly love AFK Arena and simply don't have the time for it anymore, so I'm happy to help you understand the game, mentor how it all works, etc. By all means please ask me anything, I'm here to help upload_2021-12-28_9-19-57.gif If you're an experienced player then just go wild with a stacked whale account!

    Pre-made top # PvP and PvE teams - feel free to ask for help or any questions!

    Open to discussing anything - payment options, negotiating, AFKA mechanics, discord chat, etc. - most likely to use Middleman. If you want, you can message me on Discord @ UnfavorableSemicircle#4001
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  2. OP
    AFKA Shade

    AFKA Shade
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    Old listing - can't find how to edit the post text or remove post altogether. Please disregard.
    #2 AFKA Shade, 1/11/22
    Last edited: 1/29/22
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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