Sold Gunner 47lvl 647 gs [EU] Andromeda

Discussion in 'Elyon Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by bejolol, 1/9/22.

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  1. bejolol

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    Want to sell my 47lvl gunner account with email.
    Character is preaty geared for pvp and pve also.

    PVP 647 GS Legendary Radiant gear 4/4 with good random effects and 1/4 Legacy of Swiftness.
    PVE 631 GS Legendary Radiant gear 4/4 and Legacy of Swiftness 2/4.

    Mana awakening lvl 47+

    1x T5 Luminous Support Corona

    17x T5 Runestone
    6x T4 Runestone
    2x Trans Runestones: green and purple

    1x premium pet T3
    2x common pets T1

    Trade only through...

    Read more
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