Selling  High End Excellent account lvl51, stronghold 28, 400m+

Discussion in 'Brutal Age Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Laymun, 1/8/22.

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  1. Laymun

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    My Location:
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    Power: 400m +, lots of T5’s ready to fight

    Buildings: Level 28 stronghold, min. level 25 for all other buildings

    Research: Battle 100%, development 100%, outpost 100%, partner 85%, adv. battle 70%, honor 20%

    Partner: 30+ six star partners and min awakened three times

    Flamen: Six stars for all blue flamens, various levels for all orange flamens

    Dragonkin: Min. four stars for all standard dragonkins (except ancestral)

    Ancient treasure, dragon seal and equipment vault: All collected, min. one star for items

    Other notes: Server relocation ticket available. Plenty of gems, resources, speed ups, war items, outpost decorations, name plates within ‘My items’

    Price: $888 or reasonable offers may be considered -> Ref to middleman link for transaction -

    Uses Facebook. login, can change your email, phone number and change information yourself after you make the purchase.
    #1 Laymun, 1/8/22
    Last edited: 1/8/22
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