Sold Fast sell 47lv Slayer | 610 gs best stat, 9kkgold | Andromeda - Ontari | 100

Discussion in 'Elyon Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Fiscario, 1/8/22.

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  1. Fiscario

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    WTS 610 GS Slayer lv47
    Server: Andromeda
    Faction: Ontari
    Payment: Paypal Friends and Family

    All Pre-Order Packages + other stuff shopped
    112 inventory slots +Leg. material bag
    x2 Mana awakening pages
    262 skill attributes

    T5 luminous yellow Dragon
    T5 luminous yellow Altar
    T2 luminous yellow Hydra
    9kk gold + a lot of pve/best in slot stuff in inventory/warehouse
    +Can craft Purple weapon in house
    3 Pet

    U can see everything in the screens below
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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