Selling  High End  Original Owner (Yes) Q23, 38M power, 1,2M diamonds, Evo power 1,4M, Hoarded acc, server 104

Discussion in 'The Ants Underground Kingdom Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sirblackbird37, 1/8/22.

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  1. Sirblackbird37

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    My Location:
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    Buy Now
    Buildings - 95% 20+

    Evo - double rewards, first 9 trees completed

    Pro Unit - 3,7M, all units orange ants + 2 spare

    Rss - Meat 1,3G, plants 260M, soil 57M, sand 124M, honey 475M

    Speed Ups - 1300+ hours of hatching, 1500+ hours of evo, 1000+ hours of building, 3500+ default speed up, 24x 8 hour speed up

    Extras - 186x advanced teleport, 42x advanced raspberry, 64K creature remains, 1600 skin fragment, 451K fodder,

    Happy to send screenshots

    PM me for offers please, selling as I dont have time for game anymore
    Screenshot_20220108-194250_The Ants.jpg Screenshot_20220108-194304_The Ants.jpg Screenshot_20220108-194336_The Ants.jpg
    Screenshot_20220108-195041_The Ants.jpg Screenshot_20220108-194324_The Ants.jpg
    #1 Sirblackbird37, 1/8/22
    Last edited: 1/8/22
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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