Rank: MVP++ (For another 4months (118 days **RIGHT NOW MAY BE LESS WHEN U BUY**) Level: 303 (x8 multiplier) Skill Average 52 Dungeon Catacombs 43 - Beserk 39 (Has everything 30+) Slayers Revenant Horror 9 Tarantula Broodfather 9 Sven Packmaster 7 Voildgloom seraph 7 Networth - 9.7B billion Want $650+ - why is the price so high? I have not used any bugs/#/scripts/# to get all of it and this account is 100% safe. For more info or proof of anything on this account contanct me on discord: arc#2241 If you are interested in buying it I either accept you going first with f&f paypal payment, or we get a middleman.