Selling  Selling lvl140 fire wizard and a lvl80 death wiz, with a p101 muskeeter lvl44 attached to it

Discussion in 'Wizard101 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by BLANK600, 1/3/22.

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  1. BLANK600

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    there is rare mounts and great gear, max fire pets like efreet and sun serpants plus a farm house with a 69 plots farm of couch potatoes and all three fire lore spells and most of the othere lore spells, and with the same account there is a pirate101 account with a lvl 44 muskeeter on it, and that account has 3 houes smugglers cove muskeeter's palace and the third one i can't remember it's name but it belongs to the privateer class, and a level 70 pet and 2 permenant mounts.

    PS: i have opened zones with trivia crowns including: all wizard city except the underwater dungeon near the death school in dark side, and all krokotopia except the side quest dungeons and same goes for marleybone, moshu and most of dragonspyre but not all of it. and i also opened in pirate101 jonah town and flotsom sky way and flotsom city.

    ps: i am new here
    #1 BLANK600, 1/3/22
    Last edited: 1/3/22
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