Sold [Global/Asia] Big 4 + twins with 20k+

Discussion in 'Blue Archive Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by misaki9696, 1/3/22.

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  1. misaki9696

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    Helping friend to sell his account
    -[​IMG]4: Haruna, iori, hina
    -[​IMG]3: hibiki (can up [​IMG]4), shun, aru, maki, midori, saya, mashiro
    -[​IMG]3 support: kotama, serina, asuna
    -20k+ [​IMG]
    -Lv 54
    -Cafe lv 5
    -Eq t4/t5 & good skill lv
    -Raid hardcore platinum rank

    Bind nexon (can change email)
    Price: $70 or offer
    More info or ss dm me on discord Misaki#4522
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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