Sold 5 210k+ earth march VIP10 overall power UNDER 1M with Portals

Discussion in 'Infinity Kingdom Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by maks.mentol, 1/1/22.

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  1. maks.mentol

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    Hi all.

    WTS an account with main earth march: Leo, Alex, Zenobia, Cleo, all of them are at 7 stars and 40lvl with quite good 2 purple and 2 legendary artifacts. Earth dragon 40 lvl 10/7/10.
    Have CHARLES at 1 star, 60k+ gems and 1100+ market scrolls. Also Bathory is opened (1 star).

    Second water march not so good, around 105k. Attila is opened. Dragon is 30 lvl.

    Almost all top skills in tower are opened. 55k+ unused souls.
    All buildings are at 40lvl, except some lumber...

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