Sold [SEA] Lvl 66 Endgame account with 6 ASSR, 3k+ black tix, 20k+ diamonds for 90 all-in

Discussion in 'Counter Side Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Wulfric18, 12/31/21.

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  1. Wulfric18

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    My Location:
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    Selling my day 1 Counterside (SEA) account:

    -Level 66
    -24k diamonds
    -3k+ black ticket (enough for any awakened unit you want)
    - Almost all ASSR maxxed and level 110 (except A.Yoo Mina and Evolved One)
    -Over 50 unique SSRs and almost all SRs
    -Couple of high tier ships
    -good equipmemt sets on all ASSR and SSR

    Selling my account in order to support my newborn baby. Final price is $80.

    Since Counterside - JP just released, this will be a good sign that Counterside will go big and go global. What better way to start than a high end cheap account like mine.

    Contact me thru:

    -Email : [email protected]

    -Discord :
    Wulfric #5734

    Or you can message me directly here

    Some screenshots of my account: Screenshot_20220101_095549_com.zlongame.sea.cside.jpg Screenshot_20220101_095600_com.zlongame.sea.cside.jpg Screenshot_20220101_095609_com.zlongame.sea.cside.jpg Screenshot_20220101_095613_com.zlongame.sea.cside.jpg Screenshot_20220101_095622_com.zlongame.sea.cside.jpg Screenshot_20220101_095625_com.zlongame.sea.cside.jpg Screenshot_20220101_095640_com.zlongame.sea.cside.jpg Screenshot_20220101_095649_com.zlongame.sea.cside.jpg Screenshot_20220101_095655_com.zlongame.sea.cside.jpg
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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