Sold Lvl 35, C38, 695k power, 142k earth March, VIP 10 and 12 portals to jump

Discussion in 'Infinity Kingdom Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by keenyirox, 12/31/21.

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  1. keenyirox

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    Hello! Cost 635$ #

    The account is ready to jump 2 times even, if you want, with 12 portals, or if you prefer to upload it before jumping. It is located on server 37, in an alliance with all capitals and events, and with 3 builders ready to level up + 15.000 gems

    It is also a VIP 10 account, so you can receive a philosopher's stone daily among other benefits, and user level 35, so you can collect resources level 8

    The March / Troops:

    1. Team earth...

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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