Want to sell my Warframe 'Master' account: Rank 9 400 hours 1,918,370 credits 6 platinum! wow! 3509 mods 924 of the mods are Fusion cores Warframes: Loki Loki Prime Ash Banshee Ember Prime Excalibur Prime Frost Prime Hydroid Mag Prime Nekros Nova Nyx Oberon Rhino Rhino Prime Valkyr Vauban Zephyr Notable Weapons: Boltor Prime Braton Prime Braton Vandal Gorgon Wraith Latron Prime Paris Prime Snipertron Vandal Lato Vandal Sicarus Prime Ankyros Prime Dakra Prime Glaive Prime Hate Orthos Prime Reaper Prime Skana Prime This account hasn't been played in a few months now, but I just updated it to make sure it hasn't been # or anything else. It's still perfect. I didn't write up mods cause there are just to many, if you'd like to know if i have any specifics by all means ask, I do have a bunch fully ranked but the UI is so different I barely know how to find them now So anyone interested at all? PM me if you like.
Hey, didn't get any PM from you, just add me on steam I'll be around most of the day Steam name: spiggan07