Selling two IOS knights and Dragons accounts. First one: 11 epics (none are epic boss) 4 of the epics are + Strong epics including Posiedons Vestment, All-Seeing Ages, Shell-Shocked, Tacticans Regalia, Robes of Permafrost and more. Chest DragonForge level 78 4 star amulets and maxed 3 star rings and amulets. Price: best offer (nothing less that 50) ------------------------------------------------------------ Second Account: 11 epics (none are epic boss as well) 2 are + Strong epics include Minos Wargear, Champions Battlegear, Undead Robes, Robes of Permafrost, Performers Wargear, and more. t10 DragonForge lvl 99 4 star rings and Amulets Price: best offer (nothing less that 50) PM me on Facebook or Line ID is joey5725