I was not scammed but @Admin i believe your aware invoices arn't real money so attempted scam here. A person who claims he from this site could be from powerbot because i dont release my skype here so no clue how he/she got it. Thought it was odd they didnt want to go through Middleman service to buy my runescape account and didnt show proof of his playerup user but yet agreed to vouch me. I obviously 100% knew when he/she wasnt willing to send the 140$ friends and family claiming "but thats refundable" which would only benefit him if anything happened.... So just warning to people this should be shown paypal invoice does not mean they sent the money. I will post a quide below showing proof of how people scam through invoices Just want to help people understand invoice is not money to your paypal balance. Also skypes can me immiated just like k / i / k 's and instant messangers All ways people can scam people by Skype id: narcicysst I'm sure he's going change his skype now that he or she is exposed Suggestion we should have a quide on how to prevent invoice scams or a quick note that sellers see Proof:
Correct. @Admin I believe it be a very good idea to have quide on these invoice scams and how to prevent from getting scammed by them
Were you ever able to get this issue resolved? If not, this may help here: Guide - Combat Fraud Service Please read the guide above on our combat fraud service. If you can provide this information below we can assist you further. What are the requirements? All parties must have a registered account on PlayerUp.com The individual you're filing a claim against must be above the age of 18 The individual you're filing a claim against you must have their username, full name and address