I am selling my 4th LEVEL 5 Clan to SELL. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that we use DIRECT PAYMENT in this deal because UNLIKE buying an ACCOUNT, CLAN LEADERSHIP can be easily TRANSFERRED and is NON-RETRIEVABLE once TRANSACTION has been COMPLETED. But if you are having trouble TRUSTING just anyone and WILLING to wait for days to finish the deal then we can do MIDDLEMAN SERVICE. This way you can be sure that your money is SAFE and the GOODS that you are buying will be in your POSSESSION. How to BUY: MIDDLEMAN SERVICE [I will have to ask you to pay for the whole MIDDLEMAN fee.] I will create a MIDDLEMAN CHECKOUT LINK. You're gonna PAY thru the CHECKOUT LINK that I've CREATED. MIDDLEMAN will VERIFY your payment. 3-WAY CONVERSATION and PRIVATE CONVERSATION for the transaction will be CREATED by the MIDDLEMAN after they VERIFIED your PAYMENT. MIDDLEMAN will give us SETS of INSTRUCTIONS for a SECURE and SAFE TRANSACTION. I will give you the LEADERSHIP of the CLAN. MIDDLEMAN will RELEASE the PAYMENT and SEND it to me. That's all! Done! PROs - SAFE and SECURE CONs - LONG PROCESS and additional FEES to pay. [will vary depending to the agreed price] PLAYERUP BUYER'S GUIDE: Middleman: Buyers Guide | PlayerUp - Video Game Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform. LIST OF MIDDLEMAN FEES: PlayerUp: Middleman Fees - Sellers >>>MIDDLEMAN CHECKOUT LINK BELOW!<<< GET IT NOW FOR $80! REMINDERS: Be VIGILANT everyone, there are people who will try to scam you by IMPERSONATING some LEGIT SELLERS/BUYERS here. STAY ALERT and ALWAYS DOUBLE CHECK WHO YOU ARE DEALING WITH!! For any QUESTIONS/PRICE NEGOTIATIONS you can contact me on K---i---K my username is iAmRolan or just PM me here on PlayerUP.com or REPLY to this THREAD. THANK YOU & GOD BLESS!!