I put allot of work into uploading each of these photos and getting all these things that come with the account together and organized for you guys and hopefully all this hard work pays off to a good sale Death character-photo: Gyazo - 33b101df7be052d37adff85a464bbb53.jpg Death character stats page 1-photo: Gyazo - a781fa0d17a84a0f335d6a4dd0ae5de3.jpg Death character stats page 2-photo: Gyazo - 2f21ba25fd1d0dcdf14bdb85c6cd9ead.jpg Death character stats page 3-photo: Gyazo - 8a5806f58623cfd27dd56fa5f7498ae0.jpg Death characters houses-photo: Gyazo - 179ae02cdea86be445f1064a79040d44.jpg Balance character-photo: Gyazo - 1dd0a2b75fece29451f8d13d81a950a9.jpg Balance character stats page 1-photo: Gyazo - ee8f42f3b1ade2a74762f5ab884ddd36.jpg Balance character stats page 2-photo: Gyazo - 947c83d3097ec1e671d6b728a8a9f4ba.jpg Balance character stats page 3 photo: Gyazo - d39cc0f8021aaab77ea2ba8198c44602.png Balance characters houses-photo: Gyazo - 8482965b04b1e61844c1b437ce4d8b59.jpg There are tons of items for these accounts including: Winter bane- Photo: Gyazo - 9ba7bee6fdbc5f3006409d057481d92a.jpg Mounts - Photo: https: //gyazo.com/182f1ebf07815862701b399f63f32069 Mastery amulets-Photo: Gyazo - bd1e04183ea569f66332155f07300650.jpg I also have an incredibly large collection of hundreds of pets in my bank and shared bank and also spread out throughout my houses each with its own unique and different abilities that is way too big to take pictures of. Here and my best/ most used ones that I prefer: https://gyazo.com/e5817c4e368ebd29d945d2d8597efc86 https://gyazo.com/1a53cf69cf1dc9250eb8ac57c6709c95 As for my overall gear, I have tons of gear from packs especially the Terrors hoard pack, and I have the full waterworks gear for both balance and death, the full Hades torment gear set for the death, and part of the Hades damage/critical based gear set. My wand collection ranges to up to over a hundred wands but only about 15-20 I would consider using if I was you. My preferred death gear I like to use is the dark moor hat, rattle bones robe, crafted boots, Hades athame, Fortune teller’s wand, Alpha Omega robe, Embodiment of death charm amulet. All these pieces of gear also included not the best but some pretty good jewels affixed to them. As for any special spells, the balance account has Lore master and the Death account has Deer knight. Account doesn't come with a membership but it has some areas unlocked such as the entire main areas of wizard city. Hopefully you consider buying, it thank you!
I am inertested in this. please contact me email [email protected] or 6317666621. thanks mike Marinelli
@Middleman Buyer @mike1020 has issued a payment through amazon payments, waiting for the next step. Sorry I'm a newbie, not 100% sure how this works.
Buyer Order Confirmation This message is to inform the seller and original author of this thread that a buyer has completed payment for this account listing. We will now be creating a ticket upon verifying the buyers payment. Buyer = @mike1020
Order Status Update The buyer has confirmed as-described delivery and full transfer of game account ownership. The seller will receive payment shortly. This transaction has now been completed. No further action is required from either member unless they wish to leave feedback for each other. Payment Status: Completed