Sold Jumper, Castle 8, VIP 15, 60k main troop maxed Earth with Charles - 3000

Discussion in 'Infinity Kingdom Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by sr2763165, 12/23/21.

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  1. sr2763165

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    Earth Team (Maxed): Alexander the Great, Charles the Great, Cleopatra, Zenobia
    Dragon Lvl 38, Skills: 7/6/10 lvl
    Power: 60k with troops level 1

    Extra Teams:
    Lightning (Maxed): Peter the Great, Richard I, Genghis Khan, Yi Seong-gye

    Fire (Maxed): Hippolyta, William I, Empress Wu, Ashoka

    Other Immortals: Merlin (maxed), Gilgamesh (maxed), Elizabeth Bathory (maxed), Baldwin IV (380 fragments), Ramesses II (80 fragments, not summoned).

    (To max Immortal you need 840 fragments...

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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