Selling Defiance Account for Sale New Account Played for...

Discussion in 'Defiance Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Defiance Accounts - Buy and Sell, 6/7/13.

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  1. Defiance Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    Defiance Account for Sale New Account Played for 30 min only for I am hardcore PvPer and there is some PvP but mostly PvE / Co-Op Multiplayer. -Pre Order Bonus --Dodge Challenger --ATV (These have not been activated) To access your pre-order bonuses, follow the steps below: 1. Launch Defiance. 2. After completing the tutorial, open your EGO Menu and navigate to the DEFIANCE STORE. 3. Go to the "Claim Items" section and select your pre-order item. 4. Click the "Claim Item" button and the reward will be placed in your inventory. ---All 120 Ark Codes Entered--- +2 INVENTORY SLOTS UNLOCKED UNIQUE IN-GAME TITLE: VBI RECRUIT UNLOCKED BONUS ARK SALVAGE UNLOCKED BASIC LOCK BOX UNLOCKED PISTOL SKILL +1 UNLOCKED LIGHT MACHINE GUN SKILL +1 UNLOCKED MANUAL SNIPER RIFLE SKILL +1 UNLOCKED ASSAULT RIFLE SKILL +1 UNLOCKED +4 INVENTORY SLOTS UNLOCKED PUMP SHOTGUN SKILL +1 UNLOCKED FIRESTORM UNLOCKED EARLY ACCESS TO THE TMW HANNIBAL 650R UNLOCKED THUNDERSHOCK UNLOCKED “SCAVENGER” EGO PERK UNLOCKED UNIQUE IN-GAME TITLE: VBI OPERATIVE UNLOCKED
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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