Selling NEED 4 MORE MEMBERS to join our boom beach...

Discussion in 'Boom Beach Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell' started by Matt McGoldrick, 8/18/15.

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  1. Matt McGoldrick

    Matt McGoldrick
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    NEED 4 MORE MEMBERS to join our boom beach family! We are crushing Upper Lip and bigger now that we have expanded. The core members have been together for 6 months. We were called Boston Strong (expanded to 50...) then dropped to 25 with a new name. It was difficult finding as many good people/good players. We are about teamwork and we work Intel hard. Daily OPs. Always active chat. People from all over U.S.A. English speaking only. We promote members and demote members to keep it a healthy competitive environment. Hope to have some of you guys/gals join BSE! (WE WOULD CONSIDER A MERGER OF TF IF A 25 PERSON FORCE WAS SOLID ENOUGH TO STAY TOGETHER WITH OUR 25.)
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