Hi all I want to sell my HQ 30 - main fighter lv 47 , secondary rider, 121m AT NEW STATE ( s39x ) , top 2 alliances ( currently take gov) . Just because I feel boring with this game Solo lair 34, good gear and chip ( all chip + module 7 star , gear 2 7 stars , 2 6 stars as images , all cude is 7 stars) . Contact me for any info . Accepted payment by paypal
Update Troops Total: 1.5m ( t10 -1m) March Size: 260k SPECIAL 1 EPIC WEAPON : BLINDING CHAIN AND 2 APEX WEAPONS FOR FIGHTER: TERROR MAGE AND THUNDER HAMMER Strongest fighter in the state: ( 400+) In top 1 alliance and a peaceful state at all Can do lair 38 6 Redstar hero 8 stars all chip and module of Fighter ; 7 stars for gear and cube