Selling WTS yul moonlight lvl 90 immortal and requiem...

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Grako Yauri Chavez, 8/14/13.

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  1. Grako Yauri Chavez

    Grako Yauri Chavez
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    WTS yul moonlight lvl 90 immortal and requiem basic equipment for adena, Aeore Cardinal only with apocalypse magic aword acumen and naked lvl 91 for adena, wynn elemental master lvl 88 full tw ligh+apocalypse retributer acumen doble SA for adena, Tank sigel hellknight 89 full tw + apocalypse cutter Health for adena Pm with offers!! BARTZ SERVER!
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    Grako Yauri Chavez

    Grako Yauri Chavez
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    Iss sword muse lvl 93 full tw set + tw jewels set for adena!!
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    Basilis Pap

    Basilis Pap
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    how much adena for the wynn?
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